Best Bites: Well Worth the Detour

Best Bites: Well Worth the Detour

North Shore adventurers….you’ve seen the billboards. But have you detoured off of I-35, taking the Cloquet exit to discover Gordy’s Hi-Hat? If so, you’re miles ahead of me! If not, friends, it’s time to get 415 Sunnside Drive on your radar. Continue reading “Best Bites: Well Worth the Detour”

Destination Summertime

Destination Summertime

The golden days we’ve patiently been waiting for are upon us, already warming our hearts keeping time with the rising temps! With the flip of a calendar page, June is off to a stellar start. Eighty-degrees plus a double-dose of Vitamin D and breezes that tempt us into staying out side to walk the dog, garden and chat with neighbors with while keeping those mosquitos at bay… Continue reading “Destination Summertime”