Did you catch that glimpse of gooey goodness? That’s your cue to try this homemade cinnamon roll recipe which can be prepped and made handily in the slow cooker. So, the idea here is while you and your crew blaze the breathtaking Lutsen Mountain snowy slopes, these tasty sweets will be baking ala crock pot. Upon return to your cozy lodge, pour a cup of tea or hot chocolate and pass these beauties around…Zoe Francois slower cooker cinnamon rolls, From Lutsen with Love

Quick bit of advice to consider right up front…before sharing, taste test one of these homemade cinnies — you know, just to make sure they’re OK. (They’re guaranteed to disappear in a blink!)

Zoe Francois crock pot cinnamon rolls, Lutsen MN, From Lutsen with Love

This recipe is a favorite, especially of my guy Evan, a.k.a. a cinnamon roll connoisseur! We’ve baked zillions of cinnies over the years, most from a refrigerated tube. But when we spotted Zoë Francois’ recipe in her latest and most wonder-filled cookbook, Holiday and Celebration Bread in Five Minutes a Day, we had to give them a go!

This dough recipe I used is her Amish-Style Milk Bread and is very approachable. Be sure to read the recipe from start to finish as the dough needs time to rest. If preparing scratch cinnies sounds overwhelming, Zoë’s time-tested method makes baking homemade breads and goodies do-able. She’s earned high marks for co-authoring the Artisan Bread in 5 Minutes a Day series of fantastic cookbooks because her recipes are straightforward and produce delicious results! In fact, Eric and Zach are well-versed in whipping up her no-fail breads and pizza dough masterpieces.

Rolling out the dough, slow cooker cinnies, From Lutsen with Love

You can find the Cinnamon Roll recipe on the Artisan Bread in Five website here, and as mentioned earlier I used the Amish-Style Milk Bread as the preferred dough option. The crock pot prep method is clearly outlined here.

Once the dough is ready to roll (sorry — bad pun!), brush with melted butter and generously sprinkle the cinnamon-sugar filling. Roll. Slice. Bake.

crock pot cinnamon rolls, Lutsen MN, From Lutsen with Love

Now’s your cue to grab the ski gear and shush your way down a few Lutsen Mountain hills. The cinnies will work their magic, ensuring you’ll be welcomed in from the cold with a heart-warming, homey cinnamon aroma.

Slow Cooker Cinnamon Rolls, Lutsen MN, from Lutsen with Love

As Zoë advises, slow cooker baking time can differ by appliance. Our batch took close to two hours to bake. P.S. 142C at Caribou Highlands does indeed have a slow cooker at the ready for our guests!

Slow Cooker cinnies, Zoe Francois, from lutsen wtih love,

Top with icing, serve — then feel the love! If you’re interested in learning a little more about the story behind Artisan Bread in Five, it’s a fascinating and flavorful tale. Here at home, we have several cookbooks in the Bread in Five series and have given many as holiday, birthday and/or hostess gifts over the years. And, Zoë authors an award-winning blog titled Zoë Bakes overflowing with sweet goodness in the way of inspiring recipes, assured baking tips and elegant photography. Last note…check out her IG feed!

This story first appeared on From Lutsen with Love in November 2019. All reflections and images are my own. A special thank you to Zoë for graciously allowing me to feature quick links here to her mouthwatering content. 

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